Callout Banners

Callout banners draw attention to actions that are not the primary purpose of a page as a way to direct people in the wrong place to the right place. These banners can be distracting and lead a user on a tangent that takes them away from the action you wanted them to perform. Use these when you think a user may be in the wrong place and you want to intentionally divert them. Example: A user wants to file an accident claim and they went to the accident insurance informational page, the banner could offer a link to file a claim.

Usage rules:

  • Should assist a user to take an action
  • Do not use to only convey information such as insurance fun facts

Character count: Limit to two or fewer lines at max width (approx. 230 characters)

Content Variations


Content Variations

Description with bold text, link within text, and CTA

Policyholders, file claims, view your policies and more by logging in to our secure site. Not registered?

Description, no Call to Action

Unable to file a claim online? We offer claims and service related forms, including the Loss of Life form.

Wrapping description with CTA

Broker partners, our secure site allows you to view your compensation, access product and underwriting information and more. Not registered? Contact broker support.

Wrapping description without CTA

Broker partners, our secure site allows you to view your compensation, access product and underwriting information and more. Not registered? Contact broker support.

Did you know?

Filing your claim online is the fastest way to start receiving benefits. Log in to your account to get started. Not registered?

Did you know?

Filing your claim online is the fastest way to start receiving benefits. Log in to your account to get started. Not registered?
